Indonesia/Java 11.07.07 - 03.08.07
None of these pictures have been photoshopped - the colours on these are what the camera actually captured.
However, the camera had some problems getting the light right in some pics, that unfortunately are slightly overexposed.
Tropical light can be difficult.

Pics from a walk on the main road
in Carita (West Java)













The hotel entrance

West Javan jungle














Train from Bandung to Yogjakarta

I don't know what it is - but i just love rice paddies, hilly or flat, i love them. Here are a few pictures of some taken whilst on the train.













Yes, you could fall out







                                               We had 8 hours on the train - enough time to shoot a few pics more...






















Finally in Yogjakarta

The streets of Yogja




The rooftops of Yogja

Minibus trip to Mt. Bromo
Roads of central Java

Suddenly it sat on my knee



Roads of eastern Java




Volcanos are a constant in
Javan landscapes

So are bicycles


Sunrise overlooking Mt. Bromo
My daughter

A village on the crater rim


At 2700 M it gets pretty cold at
dawn - but the views are worth it.








The village again - now in daylight

Tha Java sea in the distance

The vent that you can see smoking

in the pictures above



Going to Bali for a weeks relaxation
Returning from Bali - Java by night
- with Gunung Merapi in the background

Gunung (Mt.) Merapi
Pictures from the slopes of
a very active volcano






Parangtritis - Yogjakartas beach


Too dangerous for swimming

3000 Rupees for a song
Other entertainment

Slightly desolate?

Sunset just south of Yogja



Street of Yogja again