Bali, Indonesia - June 08
These are pictures from a 12 day business trip to Bali in the summer of 2008

The view from my hotel room

Street scenes taken on a
10 Km walk from Pekosengan to Celuk




A small shrine

A gas station






Decorations for upcoming festivities

Hotel garden by night
Decorated wall with shrine
Silversmiths at work




Afternoon sunlight in Sukawati village



Frangipani tree in the hotel garden
And more views from my hotel room

Volcanic cones behind the palms

Market in Bedugul
Lake Buyan in the mountains

View over Bedugul area
Time for a family snapshot
Of course a roadside shrine


The next series of pictures is from a "small" north Balinese cremation ceremony - in the south there apparently are more colours...
If you wonder why people look happy and relaxed it is because a cremation is essentially a celebration of the fact that the ancestor now can find peace in the afterlife. Only a few close relations shed tears for the deceased, but common balinese customs decree that they should be happy for their relative instead of mourning.
That is also why people come dressed up in their finest clothes.
The colours and the fact that there were two traditional orchestras supplying lots of background noise made this cremation a very interesting experience for me even though there was a lot of waiting around involved.

Ritual washing of the body
White is the colour of death
the body is below the white cloth




A decoration
One of the orchestras





The coffin is placed on this bamboo
frame together with the decorations
A gamelan orchestra leads the way

To confuse evil spirits the coffin is rotated and gyrated with great gusto in intersections so that the spirits cannot follow the soul of the deceased. Evil spirits are not really smart spirits.



Apparently a grandson of the deceased follows her on her last journey



The procession blocks the road, and other ttraffic must yield to it.
The Pura Dalam - the temple of death
As a non-hindu i was not allowed inside


Temple entrance
In the shade of the Banyan tree
an ice cream vendor seizes the
opportunity to sell some goods

A priest makes a few prayers

And the band plays on



The burner which will
eventually incinerate the body

Preparation for the burning of the body








The actual cremation takes about an hour before everything is consumed by the flames and then the gathering slowly dissolves.




The central balinese scenery around Munduk



The madly loaded motorbike - a common sight in Indonesia

Scenery around Ubud village






My hotel room - top floor





A tailless Gecko


Sidewalk in Ubud

More scenery from the countryside surrounding Ubud - i just love rice paddies and the indonesian terracing, fantastic landscapes.


A hindu hero

Stuff you can buy


A creatively decorated driveway



Old temple in the countryside




An improvised shrine?




Village main road






Balinese script




A private shrine
Main street hit by tourism


Balinese cool in Jimbaran (fantastic sea food)
Motorbikes driving by the hotel


Sukawati market




Last days glimpse of the volcanoes behind the palms
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